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To sign up for a workshop use add to cart button or 


if you prefer to pay by check there is a button at the bottom of this page that will open up a registration form.

Mail the filled out registration form and check  to Lost Art Fiber and Textile Studio


if there is a material fee listed, be sure to make your choice in the drop down menu when adding the workshop to your cart.

Please contact me with any questions




Just Weave

Beginners encouraged and welcome

Three 3 hour weaving sessions

           Tuesdays 6:00 - 9:00 pm or Saturdays 3:00 - 6:00

            or by mutually agreed up on times

           Instructor: Nancy Wilson

           Cost: $90  + Material Fee varies based on your project

            (Workshop size max. 5)

Contact me and we will schedule 3 consecutive 3 hour studio periods


Your weaving workshop includes a brief planning meeting with me

2 weeks prior to your first day of weaving so your project will be ready for you on your first day.


In this workshop you get individual instruction on the use of a floor loom and weave on a loom that is set up and ready to go. A major time consuming aspect of weaving is setting up the loom, this class does not include instruction on loom set up. A typical first project could be a scarf, shawl, table runner or wall hanging.

If you've taken 

                             Paint Your Yarn


                              Spin Your Yarn


This is an excellent way to use your yarn to create a one of a kind item.















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Take It From the Beginning 

Beginners encouraged and welcome

Six 3 hour weaving sessions

    Instructor: Nancy Wilson

  Tuesdays 6:00 - 9:00 pm or Saturday afternoons 3:00 - 6:00

           or by mutually agreed up on times

           Cost: $150  includes the materials to weave a 12" wide by 36" sampler

            (Workshop size max. 5)   

Contact me and we will schedule 6 consecutive studio periods


You will learn about planning a project, measuring the yarn, the parts of a loom, preparing the loom, weaving and correcting mistakes. You will also become aquainted with several weaving patterns by weaving a sampler.












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Loom Time

So you know how to weave and need a loom to work on... this is for you.

Rent one of the Lost Art looms and weave to your heart's content at the studio. Weave during regular open studio times (Friday night and Saturday afternoon), during any other scheduled Lost Art workshop or by mutually agreed up on times. Incudes use of all weaving related tools (yarn not included).

Loom time cost for one month - $100 ($25/week)


Contact me for looms currently available.







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Introduction to Rigid Heddle Workshop

Learn to use a rigid heddle loom...

       to prepare to take Traveling Pinwheel Mat Workshop


Instructor:  Nancy Wilson and Laurie Thalacker

Saturday February 3   11:30 am  -  2:30pm

           Cost: $50 includes yarn to weave a sampler

                  Participant will need a rigid heddle loom.


           Class size 6-10  

Experience level needed: No weaving experience required


Class Description: You will learn how to set up your loom,

           the parts of the loom, put on a warp and weave a small


Brush Up Your Skills -Rigid Heddle Workshop

Spend the afternoon with others who need to brush up on their rigid heddle weaving skills...

       to prepare to take Traveling Pinwheel Mat Workshop


Saturday February 3rd, 3:00 am  -  6:00pm

           Cost: $15 cost includes  pizza for dinner.

           Class size 6-10  


Class Description: Bring your rigid heddle loom to the studio, set up a weaving project, share what you remember and ask what you don't.

Instruction will be provided on using a warping board to measure the warp

for your rigid heddle loom.

This is a group sharing event.



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Traveling Pinwheel Mat Workshop

February 17, 2018 

Add to your weaving repertoire!

the pattern used in this workshop is

A Yarnworker pattern designed by Jean Ahearn


Instructor:  Andrea Schroer of Mielke's Fiber Arts

Saturday, February 17, 2018   10:00 am  -  5:00pm

           Cost: $150 (total cost) includes materials and lunch

Registration deadline: January 17

                       $50 deposit required to register


           Class size 6-10  

Experience level needed: This workshop is designed for weavers who have previously woven on a rigid heddle loom. If you  haven't used a rigid heddle loom or need a brush up workshop, please see Beginning Rigid Heddle Workshop on this page.


Class Description: You will be putting a pre-measured, two color warp on your loom, and weaving a checked table mat using a pick-up technique to create PINWHEELS that travel across the mat! The combinatioin of color and texture make this a really fun project.


The techniqes you learn in this workshop can be applied to many projects - shawls, napkins, towels, pillows and more.

Finished size measures approximately 10" x 25" (hemmed on both ends).


Each participant will need a rigid heddle loom with at least a 12" weaving width (wider is okay) and a 12 dent rigid heddle, 2 shuttles and 2 pick up sticks at least 14" long.


3/2 Perle cotton pre-measured warp and pattern/instructions are included in the materials provided in the class fee.


Project Color Selection

You may choose from

red/white, black/white, purple/white as your colors.













Introduction to Rug Weaving Workshop

with Jason Collingwood

Friday, Saturday & Sunday, May 18-20,2018


Class size 10-15 

Cost: $450


Materials list to be provided prior to workshop. Includes lunch each day of the workshop.

There will be several looms available to rent for the duration of the workshop. Contact studio to reserve a loom if needed.


With over 30 years experience as a professional rug weaver Jason has produced 1000's of rugs for corporate and individual clients the world over.
In addition to weaving custom made rugs Jason offers a comprehensive range of rug weaving classes, either at his workshop in the UK, or in numerous worldwide locations.


Workshop Description:

An ideal course for those wishing to try out rug weaving for the first time, though with enough 'tricks' to also suit the more experienced weaver.Students will learn how to make a strong serviceable rug (plain weave being an excellent structure for rugs). Initially weaving stripes and spots using two colours, learning how to overcome the selvage problems inherent in each different design.Clasped wefts, crossed wefts and compensated inlay will be covered, all these new techniques giving the weaver more freedom with design.


Class will include instruction on how to set up ones loom correctly for rug weaving. Twining at the beginning and end of the rug, darning in of the loose ends, use of the temple and many other invaluable tips for successful rug weaving. Class concludes with a look at rug finishes, a few of the many finishes will be demonstrated.


Students will need to come pre warped (instructions will be sent out prior to class). Any four harness loom is fine, including table looms.


Further information on materials and preparation provided with registration










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